12 October 2008

Weight Gain & My Skin

Neurontin has a known side effect of weight gain, add to that the inactivity of my pain & it should come as no surprise that I weigh more now than I did a year ago. 5 years ago I weighed 115, then I got pregnant & with that quit smoking. When my daughter was born 3.5 years ago I weighed 145. Now I weigh between 165-170, I am needless to say not to pleased with this. Going from a 4 to a 14 takes a bit of a toll on the self esteem, but I always took pride in the fact that my hair & skin always looked great. A few months after I went on the Neurontin my skin got bad, like 15 year old boy on his worst day bad. I never wore concealer or foundation & now I had to start & it didn't really hide the fact my skin looked like shit. I tried a million things on my face, but nothing really worked so I broke & bought Proactiv a bit over a week ago. It got here on Friday & my skin looks a bit better already. I know it might just be a fluke that my skin looks a tough better so I am holding out my final opinion on it for a while yet. In 3 months if my skin is clear & staying clear I'll vote it works, but I am just glad that it might. I am glad I didn't have to use concealer today, I'm glad it doesn't looks so red & painful today. Oh & if it does work I will post a pic to show, but not yet. I can handle being a size 14, but only if I can be a good looking 14, if I have to carry 50lbs extra I better at least look damn good doing it.

1 comment:

One Sick Mother said...

I hear you on the skin. I have just started taking prevacid for the ulcer and it is really doing a number on mine. Cystic acne of the humongous shining star variety.

Combine that with seborreic dermatis from the neurological problems and my skin is the pits.

My weight has fluctuated a lot too with all the diets I have tried in an attempt to feel well. I don't just have fat and skinny jeans. I have fat, very fat, huge, medium, skinny, and (I think there is one left) ...very skinny.

I haven't worn that last one in a very long time.

I'm glad the Proactiv seems to have provided a gleam of light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we have to let some things go, but it doesn't have to be everything. A girl has got her pride.