07 October 2008

I have rickets!

Well ok technically rickets is only in children, it's really just a deficiency. I got an email telling me my levels were low (around 25) & telling me to take 400IU 2x per day. That's what I already take. I emailed back telling him that's what I have been taking for a year. He said to make sure to take it at 2 different times per day. I was taking it at lunch & bedtime, but I'll switch to breakfast & bedtime & see if that helps. Even though I super, super pale skin & pretty much burst in to flame in direct sunlight I don't wear sunblock unless I am going to be spending a while out doors. I am going to try to make a effort to sit outside in a tanktop (til it becomes way to cold to do it) for a few minutes each day. Anybody got any good vit D boosting ideas that don't involve eating fish?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, my level is incredibly low - I'm at 7.5, when normal is 30. I'm on 50,000 IU once a week, but if that isn't enough, they'll add more.

I've been supplementing with flaxseed oil and a calcium/D supplement for years. My pain mgmt doc says there are people who just can't absorb it from food or convert it from sunlight. Sigh.

P.S. I am sooooooooo with you on eating fish! Pleh! Ptui!

One Sick Mother said...

Apparently it is very common to be low or deficient in D if you have EDS.

I take 2400 IU every day and me levels are low normal.

I take D3 in liquid form, as well as whatever is in the calcuim supplement. The liquid is expensive, but the fat guy in the vitamin store recommended it, and I have learned to trust his judgement.

For myself; I am hoping that this bacterial stomach that they found might be responsible for some of my vitamin absorption issues and that when all that is sorted out, I can go back to normal vitamin supplementation and all will be fine.

If you can, try to get your other levels tested, and if you are low despite supplementation, bug your doc to find out why. It could be a stomach or gut issue.


Queen Slug said...

hedwyg - What brand of flax seed oil are you using? Mine doesn't have Vit D in it. Or is it supposed to help absorption?

My levels are 25-ish, so it's not super bad, but when you think about that being with 2x the DV for a year, it's not to hot either.

OSM - I wonder if the EDS skin just doesn't work for making D...

I'll have to look for a liquid form, does it taste icky?

I look at getting other levels tested, but my doc isn't going to really see the need, so I'll save it til spring. By then we should have most of the "bigger" crap sorted out (heart, bracing & so on).

One Sick Mother said...

I love fish! Fisk rocks! Maybe that's because I come from a island (Ireland). Notw that I can cook it for myself, it is much nicer than I remember. Irish folk of yore didn't so much cook stuff as mushify or dessicate it.

The liquid D3 isn't too bad. I used to make a vitamin drink with C, liquid B complex and put the D in. It is an oil so it floats on top. Kinds disgusting, but more because of the slime factor than taste.

Nowadays I just take the dropper and squirt the stuff in the back of my mouth, bypassing as many tastebuds as possible. 1,000 IU is not very much at all. As I am usually taking about 50,000 other vitamins at that time, I do the D3 first and wash it down with water and the rest of them.